I/P transducers

Mô tả

I/P transducers are used to maintain a certain pressure constant at a given current input. They can be used with various equipment were a regulated pressure are needed, e.g. CPM valves.
-Input signal: 4-20 mA
-Out-put: 0-0.9 MPa


Description Denomination H W d e Part No Add to cart
Flow: 250ln/min (at 10 bar inlet pressure and 3 bar secondary pressure)
ITV1050 0-0.9MPa 4-20mA/PNP 24V DC G1/4 71 50 G1/4″ M12x1 90510-8981
Flow: 1500ln/min (at 10 bar inlet pressure and 3 bar secondary pressure)
ITV2050 4-20mA 0.9MPa Terminal 70000155642
079 225 0802
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